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patterns and anti-patterns
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C preprocessor and fun Macros
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Self Documenting Code

Define Guard (google style) in Visual Assist




Clamp variable to interval

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float Clamp( float a )
 float v = (a<0) ? 0 : (a<1) ? a : 1;
 return v;

int main ()
 cout<< -3 << "\t" << Clamp(-3) <<endl;
 cout<< 0.5f << "\t" << Clamp(0.5f) <<endl;
 cout<< 3 << "\t" << Clamp(3) <<endl;


 -3      0
0.5     0.5
3       1

You can modify function to take interval , or use it as preprocessor directive.

Anonymous Structures

Found on MSDN

A Microsoft C extension allows you to declare a structure variable within another structure without giving it a name. These nested structures are called anonymous structures. C++ does not allow anonymous structures.You can access the members of an anonymous structure as if they were members in the containing structure.


// anonymous_structures.c

struct phone
int  areacode;
long number;

struct person
char   name[30];
char   gender;
int    age;
int    weight;
struct phone;    // Anonymous structure; no name needed
} Jim;

int main()
Jim.number = 1234567;
printf_s("%d\n", Jim.number);

Static Initialization Function in Classes


Sometime when we write a C++ class, we want a static function is used to initialize the class. For example, a static function is used to initialize a static vector or map. We can do the same thing easily in Java, by Java’s static block. How we can do with C++?

At first, let’s see how to initialize a normal static member in C++.

class Test1
    public:static string emptyString;
string Test1::emptyString = "";
// also can be
// string Test1::emptyString;
// string Test1::emptyString("");

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